Rainbow World Group
Elevate Africa as a global sports market
for Athletesfor Fansfor Governmentsfor Governing Bodiesfor Leaguesfor Teams

For over 15 years, RWG has built a unique experience in the identification and management of African sporting talents and assets across disciplines and geographies.

Our Misson
We aim to build operations and experiences destined to grow talents across sports and entertainment across Africa.
Today, we leverage our expertise at the service of sports markets and talents in Africa. We operate across the sports value chain, from infrastructures and sports assets management to content production and data analysis.
We are equally commercially and socially driven: we harness the power, networks and financial leverages of sports and entertainment to bring educational and professional opportunities which fit the aspirations of Africa’s youth.

Our Story
Born out of a vision

Rainbow World Group (RWG) was born out of the vision of our founder, Kingsley Pungong. After running Wasserman Media Group’s Africa Strategy, Kingsley Pungong set up the Rainbow Bamenda FC in 2009 in the city of Bamenda - where he is originally from.
From one football club to multi-sports clubs ownership
Within a few years, Kingsley Pungong set up Rainbow Sport as his vision expanded to encompass scouting services not only in Cameroon but in all of Africa. Fast forward a few years of honing its methodology in talent identification and management Rainbow Sport acquired MFK Vyskov in 2017 which propelled the group to the field of multi-sports assets ownership.
Kingsley Pungong establishes Rainbow Bamenda FC in Cameroon.
Rainbow Sports is created.
3 Rainbow Sports Players enter the MLS Draft for the first time.
Rainbow Sport acquires MFK Vyskov FC in Czech Republic.
Rainbow Sport acquires Rainbow FC in Kenya and wins the competitive bid to open a new club in Dubai.
MFK Vyskov FC is promoted to the Second Division in Czech Republic.
Elites Falcons FC is promoted to the UAE’s Second Division.
Rainbow FC Kenya is promoted to the Kenya National Super League.
Rainbow Sports becomes Rainbow World Group.
on a roster on a yearly basis
placed across top leagues such as MLS, Ligue 1 and prominent leagues in Europe (Norway, Czech Republic)
from Africa selected our players to join their roster in international competitions
Our Assets

Creating pathways to success and prosperity for talents across sports and entertainment in Africa

Our Multi-Sports Academies (MSAs) are operated through private-public partnerships,

Africa United a special talent identification program within our MSAs, which develops special pathways for professional footballers and generates content around their success stories.

International Sports Scholars is an non-profit organization connecting the dots between global sports talents and scholarship opportunities to attend top academic programs around the world.
